Teacher Kevin
2 min readSep 13, 2022


When I left my home, Ooh my dear,

I was torn in tears and soaked in beer,

I knew no respect

No, mother or father I could reject.

I still can remember that hefty slap

That warmed your cheeks and kick on your lap

Am sorry dear, my plea you should hear

I thought would pay with respect rather than fear.

When I left my home, Ooh my dear,

How you warned me not to follow

The routes of my drunk fellow

How you drag me along when I am not sober.

How you despised the chewers of ‘jaba’

The drunk in local liquor and beer

The party bumpkins who twerk in cheer

The Facebook singles and the Instagram strippers

The twitter parrots and whatsup status statues

How you advocated for my economy

And hated poverty

You warned me against sending fare

I hadn’t understood how much you were fair

You couldn’t imagine of the nudes on the screen

You warned me against all the sins unseen.

Wretched me,

I felt in cage and a jail for me.

I sneaked back to the illicit websites

Wallowing in abyss like flying kites

Oh… the disastrous www

The three exes can bring lust to you

Soon I was watching the sexual insanity of Instagram

Soon I joined over twenty ‘ex pages’ on telegram

I was doomed.

I was silent and gloomed.

I was almost becoming a regular customer at the arimis shop

Like those sisters who do not want the cucumbers on the chop.

Soon I would prefer to live alone

Paying back to my sins like a five year loan.

Now, you left me at this juncture

Deformed and in awkward structure,

I got weary and decided to pause

For my pain, I could trace the cause

I sat down “moss”

And remembered the cross.

Oh my, my life escaped the loss

I felt as fresh as a summer rose.



Teacher Kevin
Teacher Kevin

Written by Teacher Kevin


Poetry is my love. I find inspiration in everything, and I’m always seeking new creative outlets to share my work with the world. Africa is the heart of my arts

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